November 26, 2011

Beauty Peel: Before and After

Today I added a second and third layer of flocking, filled some patches, painted my retaining wall, and some new textures about the tracks.  Then after a few hours of drying time I peeled away the masking materials.  Boom!  Everything suddenly looks better!   This is such a fun time in the whole process.   One thing that struck me how shiny my rails are.  I've always planned to weather them but never flet an urgency before.


Under Wraps
Where's the track?

I used an unfortunately wide tape here, but it's easily corrected.

Look how shiny it is!   I must weather this soon!

Bonus geekery: Can you spot the TARDIS?  She's in two of the above...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I have to say...I am REALLY liking your track plan and how the layout is turning out! I also have to congratulate you on just getting in there and getting it done. I think so many people get hung up at this stage overly concerned about their lack of skill with flocking, etc... and really don't realize that its fairly easy, will yield good results if you follow the simple instructions and - like you said - is actually really fun! Nice work!

    Now I have to search your blog for your track plan becuase I am really intrigued!
